
Today is my birthday so I think of it as the beginning of a new year and a time of new possibilities. This year is different because I am also at a turning point in my career. Perhaps my looming birthday brought on my recent soul searching, but I have been giving serious thought to... Continue Reading →

Chronically Overcommitted

I have a lot of balls in the air.  I always tend to take on more than anyone could reasonable expect to handle.  But, then again, I'm not really reasonable...and I'm not alone.  So many of us overschedule ourselves and our kids so that we have little to no downtime.  I've always had a tendency... Continue Reading →

The Blessing of A Sprained Ankle

Yesterday I was enjoying a cup of coffee after getting the kids off to school when the phone rang.  It was the school nurse saying that my son fell during recess and his foot went out sideways and had an egg shaped bulge.  The visual of his foot “going out sideways” and an “egg shaped... Continue Reading →

Your Focus needs more Focus!

I recently stated going to yoga classes.  This is not my first go at yoga, but it’s been awhile since I’ve been a regular.  Still, I walked into class thinking I was in pretty good shape and should get through the class in a breeze.  We started off sitting on our mats with our eyes... Continue Reading →

Empathy and Depression

Depression and anxiety are two sides of a very undesirable coin.  They are opposites, but often go hand in hand.   Depression typically feels like hopelessness despite what is actually going on in your life.  From the outside, you may look like you have it all together, but on the inside you feel like you are... Continue Reading →

Thrifting for Fun and Profit

One of my oldest pastimes has turned into my newest obsession…thrifting.  There are so many great reasons to shop at thrift stores.  I used to enjoy browsing thrift stores to find items that I needed for a discounted price.  Then I started noticing the high resale value of some items that I found in thrift... Continue Reading →

Can Being Late Make You Live Longer?

A short time ago I came across an article titled “Science Says People Who are always late are more successful and live longer.”[1]  Since I come from a long line of tardy people, I decided to look into this further. 

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